
Une vie en Couleurs

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Le parcours d'une vie


The Art Gallery Collections is founded by a group of artists and patrons prompted by the government's inadequate museum funding. By its first meeting it has 308 members and $700 in funds.

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An additional new entrance to the gallery was created at the rear of the building, leading down from the new first floor gallery into a newly-opened up section of the Museum Gardens, which has been developed into a public space.

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The project has brought an investment of £8 million into the MooM. We are very grateful to all our funders who have made this project possible and start new period of art vision.

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Colette et Odon

The project has brought an investment of £8 million into the MooM. We are very grateful to all our funders who have made this project possible and start new period of art vision.

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Celine et Odon

The gallery now has three exhibition spaces on the ground floor, capable of hosting major national and international exhibitions, and four on the first floor, two of which showcase our internationally significant collections.

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A successful fundraising appeal

Following a successful fundraising appeal, and a pledge of £500,000 from the Art Fund, the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, successfully acquires the Macclesfield Psalter and £180,000 in donations.

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Our new awards

The Art Fund Prize awarded to the the Art Gallery. The Art Fund gives £600,000 to Tate’s campaign to save Rubens’s Banqueting House sketch. The Art Fund gives an exceptional grant of £1 million towards the acquisition of Artist Rooms.

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Our new awards

The Art Fund Prize awarded to the the Art Gallery. The Art Fund gives £600,000 to Tate’s campaign to save Rubens’s Banqueting House sketch. The Art Fund gives an exceptional grant of £1 million towards the acquisition of Artist Rooms.

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Celine et Odon

The gallery now has three exhibition spaces on the ground floor, capable of hosting major national and international exhibitions, and four on the first floor, two of which showcase our internationally significant collections.

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A successful fundraising appeal

Following a successful fundraising appeal, and a pledge of £500,000 from the Art Fund, the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, successfully acquires the Macclesfield Psalter and £180,000 in donations.

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Our new awards

The Art Fund Prize awarded to the the Art Gallery. The Art Fund gives £600,000 to Tate’s campaign to save Rubens’s Banqueting House sketch. The Art Fund gives an exceptional grant of £1 million towards the acquisition of Artist Rooms.

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Our new awards

The Art Fund Prize awarded to the the Art Gallery. The Art Fund gives £600,000 to Tate’s campaign to save Rubens’s Banqueting House sketch. The Art Fund gives an exceptional grant of £1 million towards the acquisition of Artist Rooms.

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The first major exhibition

The Art Gallery holds the largest collection of work by Etty and held the first major exhibition of his work for 50 years, showing many of these paintings and sketches alongside loans from other major galleries.

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New challenges before the art issues

Under-30s National Art Pass launched. First Headley Fellows announced. Support of curators continues through AAMC conference travel fellowship and Curatorial Network grants.

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New challenges before the art issues

Under-30s National Art Pass launched. First Headley Fellows announced. Support of curators continues through AAMC conference travel fellowship and Curatorial Network grants.

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La Vision Créative d'un Artiste Contemporain


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Principales expo


Expo Menton

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi pulvinar, ipsum sed eleifend maximus, mi dui iaculis leo, quis bibendum justo lacus et augue. Nullam a enim quis augue pretium vulputate. Curabitur finibus, lorem at commodo vehicula, risus quam hendrerit diam, a suscipit augue lacus quis quam.



Expo Vannes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi pulvinar, ipsum sed eleifend maximus, mi dui iaculis leo, quis bibendum justo lacus et augue. Nullam a enim quis augue pretium vulputate. Curabitur finibus, lorem at commodo vehicula, risus quam hendrerit diam, a suscipit augue lacus quis quam.



Expo Nice

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" Un œuvre blablabloopi "